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Time recommendations are guidelines, not strict rules. They’re based on over 40,000 taste tests across many different drink varieties. Each beverage has its own ideal timing, so trust your taste preferences to enhance and perfect the experience. Don’t worry if your process takes more or less time than suggested—every drink is unique. Let your palate guide you to the best results.

Recommended Tasting Procedure

Step #1

When taste-testing a beverage, set out two glasses of exactly the same style. Pour a small amount* of the original, un-Beväged drink into the first glass, then pour some from your bottle into the Beväge decanter. Run Beväge according to the provided "Beväge Time Guide".

Step #2

After Beväging, pour some of your "beväged" drink into the second glass. Now comes the taste test! ALWAYS taste the original “Non-Beväged" drink first, then the “Beväged” drink.

Step #3

You should now be able to taste the dramatic difference. If you aren’t able to taste the difference after tasting the Beväged drink, go back and taste the original drink followed again by the Beväged drink and observe the changes. Notice: Is the drink more approachable? Does it taste smoother, softer and do you observe the mouthfeel stays longer?

Important to Know

The airtight glass stopper should not be placed on the decanter during Beväging, as oxygen needs to enter the hand-blown artisan glass decanter. This is critically important for any wine. A clean sediment screen-cork catcher™ will not restrict the flow of oxygen into the Beväge decanter.


By the way, you may do a taste test with only a 4-5 oz pour—there’s no need to use the entire bottle of your beverage. For a proper taste test, ensure the drink level is above the top of the glass spinner spindle inside Beväge. If desired, you can use the 4-ounce measuring marker on the decanter.


Once Beväging is completed, should you not finish the entire beverage in the decanter, there’s no need to repeat the process. After the initial Beväge, you can store the remaining beverage in the refrigerator with the glass stopper on, ready for consumption whenever you are. (white wines last typically up to 5 days and red wines 1-2 days).

The Testing Process

Look up your taste testing spirit, wine, or beverage for its recommended time range on the Beväge Recommended Time Guide. Times are a suggested guideline since each type of drink time can vary.

There are many descriptors of spirits, wine and beverages including; aromas, flavors, quality of acidity and tannin levels (in wines), as well as textures, body, balance, complexity, and length of finish. These are sourced from the primary grape or spirit varietal.

Once you see that your Beväge™ Pro countdown timer has reached its minimum recommended time for the drink, lift the decanter off the base and sample the drink. ALWAYS Drink the original “NON” Beväged drink first, then the “Beväged” drink. DO NOT inadvertently put the glass decanter back on the base while you do the taste test as the Beväging™ process will continue

If your drink doesn’t taste (at this shortest recommended time) fuller and richer tasting, along with being a smoother, more aromatic expression, it will certainly be further enhanced and improved by adding more Beväge time. In other words, observe whether your drink still has a short (not long lasting) acidic (vinegary, bitey) profile with less fullness than desired (it should still be better than the original).

If the drink doesn’t match with the desired description after the shortest recommended time, place the glass decanter onto the Beväge™ base and either wait for another 1 minute to pass on the countdown timer (if you initially set the maximum possible recommend time), or if no time remains add 1 more minute of time by pushing the “1” button on the Beväge™ base. Then, follow the same tasting process described again. Observe whether your drink has a short (not long lasting) acidic (vinegary, bitey) profile. If it does, once again place the decanter on the Beväge Pro base and either let the countdown timer continue spinning, or if no time remains add 1 more minute of time by pushing the “1” button on the Beväge™ base. Continue this cycle until the drink reaches your preferred taste profile of a long-lasting mouthfeel with a far more dynamic taste when compared to the original out of the bottle pour.

If you inadvertently added too much time for your drink so it tastes softer and less dynamic (somewhat flat) when compared to the prior taste test, have no concerns. We’ve predictably found by waiting approximately 5 to 7 minutes (after the last-minute time completion) the drink again will fully captures its optimum tasting enhancement without any loss (Since nothing was added to the drink).

Taste Testing Guidelines

Taste Testing

1. Don't rush your tasting.
2. Be sure you have two identical clean tasting glasses. A proper glass will make any drink taste better.
3. If using multiple taste testing drinks, arrange your samples according to their strength of flavor with the lightest sampled first, moving to full-bodied and lastly those with bold flavors such as smoke.
4. Ideally, tastings are best conducted late morning or late afternoon. 


Our tongues can detect salty, sour, sweet, or bitter and umami, the latter is best described as savory. You can’t smell sweetness since only your tongue can detect it.


It’s about how the drink feels in your mouth. It’s important to the enjoyment as it gives dimension, adds complexity, flavor and body of a drink. Texture is a bit more subjective. As an example, high alcohol wines (14.5%) tend to be perceived as fuller, heavier even oilier while low alcohol wines (11%) feel lighter, thinner.

Length of Finish

This refers to how long the enjoyable characteristics last after you have swallowed the last mouthful. It’s measured as short, medium, and long finishes. The longer the finish the more positive reaction we have. Aftertaste is one of the criteria for evaluating the quality of a drink. The length of the different drinks and the taste itself are very different.


The taste of drinks are time-based, as there is a beginning, middle (mid-palate) and end (finish). Ask yourself, how long does it takes until the drink isn’t with you anymore?

Mouthfeel, Finish,
Aftertaste, Length

So, in summary, it refers to the taste of the drink left in the mouth after the throat (or after the spit), or the duration of this taste in the mouth. Does the flavor linger in your mouth? This is also known as the body of the spirit, wine or beverage. Aftertaste is one of the characteristics of better spirits and wines and an important indicator for judging whether a young spirit or wine is of excellent quality. 1. Is aftertaste linked to the quality of the drink? Yes, on the premise that the aftertaste is pleasant (the wine's flavor, alcohol, acidity, sweetness are balanced, the aftertaste has no tingling sensation of alcohol, it is not sweet to greasy, the tannin (for wine) are not too bitter, etc.).

2. The longer it lasts, the better the quality of the spirit or wine. If the aftertaste of a drink lasts for 20-30 seconds, the quality is considered good; if the aftertaste is 45 seconds, indicating that the drink is very rich; and the quality of the drink can last for 1 minute or longer, which can be described as "The aftertaste is long." An excellent aftertaste adds a lot of excitement to the drink tasting process.  

Scents and Smells

Try not to wear perfume or cologne: this is perhaps the first unwritten rule for tasting. Strong fragrances will mess up your olfactive capabilities. 

Spicy Foods

Before the tasting, avoid spicy and strong-flavored food and drinks (coffee, spirits, etc.). If you ignore this advice, your palate will resent that poor choice and your ability to taste and smell will be diminished.

Avoid these Foods

Avoid chocolate and toothpaste, chewing gum or candy, especially if it’s mint-based, raw onions or really, really strong spices, or coffee, smoking, flowers, fresh paint, kitchen/food. Try not to eat or drink anything highly flavored for 15 minutes before the tasting.

Test these Drinks

Sip a “test” drink before the actual tasting. In this way, you’ll prepare your mouth for alcohol and reset your taste buds. The test drink should be a relatively neutral, not too intense.

Look at the Drink

Don’t just shoot the drink; Look at it - it has been proven to make difference in the way that your brain interacts with tastes.

Smell before your Sip

The smell “nose” of the drink tells you almost about everything you need to know - except the “texture”. It’s several orders of magnitude more sensitive and accurate than the taste buds in the mouth. Tasting confirms what the nose has revealed, but adds the ‘texture” of the drink - and its “length”.

Then “tasting” the drink will confirm all these nasal impressions and add the concept of “texture”.

Smell Before You Sip: Aromatics play a huge part in taste, and the aromatics of a spirit can be especially volatile, ready to leap out of the glass and into your nasal passageway if treated correctly. But be careful not to dunk your nose into the glass and inhale.

Taste at Room Temperature

Taking a tiny sip up front without thinking about it too much will help acclimate your palate to the alcohol. Also, palate fatigue can happen quickly.

Taste Testing Guidelines

1. Don't rush your tasting.
2. Be sure you have two identical clean tasting glasses. A proper glass will make any drink taste better.
3. If using multiple taste testing drinks, arrange your samples according to their strength of flavor with the lightest sampled first, moving to full-bodied and lastly those with bold flavors such as smoke.
4. Ideally, tastings are best conducted late morning or late afternoon. 

Our tongues can detect salty, sour, sweet, or bitter and umami, the latter is best described as savory. You can’t smell sweetness since only your tongue can detect it.

It’s about how the drink feels in your mouth. It’s important to the enjoyment as it gives dimension, adds complexity, flavor and body of a drink. Texture is a bit more subjective. As an example, high alcohol wines (14.5%) tend to be perceived as fuller, heavier even oilier while low alcohol wines (11%) feel lighter, thinner.

This refers to how long the enjoyable characteristics last after you have swallowed the last mouthful. It’s measured as short, medium, and long finishes. The longer the finish the more positive reaction we have. Aftertaste is one of the criteria for evaluating the quality of a drink. The length of the different drinks and the taste itself are very different.

The taste of drinks are time-based, as there is a beginning, middle (mid-palate) and end (finish). Ask yourself, how long does it takes until the drink isn’t with you anymore?

So, in summary, it refers to the taste of the drink left in the mouth after the throat (or after the spit), or the duration of this taste in the mouth. Does the flavor linger in your mouth? This is also known as the body of the spirit, wine or beverage. Aftertaste is one of the characteristics of better spirits and wines and an important indicator for judging whether a young spirit or wine is of excellent quality. 1. Is aftertaste linked to the quality of the drink? Yes, on the premise that the aftertaste is pleasant (the wine's flavor, alcohol, acidity, sweetness are balanced, the aftertaste has no tingling sensation of alcohol, it is not sweet to greasy, the tannin (for wine) are not too bitter, etc.).

2. The longer it lasts, the better the quality of the spirit or wine. If the aftertaste of a drink lasts for 20-30 seconds, the quality is considered good; if the aftertaste is 45 seconds, indicating that the drink is very rich; and the quality of the drink can last for 1 minute or longer, which can be described as "The aftertaste is long." An excellent aftertaste adds a lot of excitement to the drink tasting process.  

Try not to wear perfume or cologne: this is perhaps the first unwritten rule for tasting. Strong fragrances will mess up your olfactive capabilities. 

Before the tasting, avoid spicy and strong-flavored food and drinks (coffee, spirits, etc.). If you ignore this advice, your palate will resent that poor choice and your ability to taste and smell will be diminished.

Avoid chocolate and toothpaste, chewing gum or candy, especially if it’s mint-based, raw onions or really, really strong spices, or coffee, smoking, flowers, fresh paint, kitchen/food. Try not to eat or drink anything highly flavored for 15 minutes before the tasting.

Sip a “test” drink before the actual tasting. In this way, you’ll prepare your mouth for alcohol and reset your taste buds. The test drink should be a relatively neutral, not too intense.

Don’t just shoot the drink; Look at it - it has been proven to make difference in the way that your brain interacts with tastes.

The smell “nose” of the drink tells you almost about everything you need to know - except the “texture”. It’s several orders of magnitude more sensitive and accurate than the taste buds in the mouth. Tasting confirms what the nose has revealed, but adds the ‘texture” of the drink - and its “length”.

Then “tasting” the drink will confirm all these nasal impressions and add the concept of “texture”.

Smell Before You Sip: Aromatics play a huge part in taste, and the aromatics of a spirit can be especially volatile, ready to leap out of the glass and into your nasal passageway if treated correctly. But be careful not to dunk your nose into the glass and inhale.

Taking a tiny sip up front without thinking about it too much will help acclimate your palate to the alcohol. Also, palate fatigue can happen quickly.

Other Considerations— Temperature for Wines


The temperature of the spirit and wine tasting glass (wake up) affects the rest of the taste.


Spirit temperature is typically room temperature.

Red Wines

Serve red wines slightly cooler than room temperature, between 60–68 degrees F (15–20 °C). 

Light and Medium-Bodied Red Wines

Serve Light and Medium-Bodied Red Wines: “Cool” between 55–60°F / 12-15°C.

Rosé and Full-Bodied White Wines

Serve Rosé and Full-Bodied White Wines: “Fridge Cold” between 44–55°F / 7-12°C.

Sparkling and Light-Bodied White Wines

Serve Sparkling and Light-Bodied White Wines: “Ice Cold” between 38–45°F / 3-7°C.

Quick Cooling Tips
for Wines

For red wine – put it in the fridge for 20 minutes or so and then serve, For whites take the white wine out of the fridge 20 minutes or so before serving. This ensures that each wine is at its optimal temperature for enjoying what the winemaker intended.

For white wines, 2-3 hours in the fridge is perfect, but no more, as white wines should never be served under 41°F / 5°C.

Explore Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? Check out our FAQs for quick answers to the most commonly asked questions.

1. Yes, older vintages often need less time.

2. A 20-year-old wine for example, may require only 50% of the suggested time in the Recommended Time Guide

Since the Beväge Pro™ has the ability to recall how much time remains from the initial time set, you can experiment and find the right time using your taste buds by using the 50% time and lifting the decanter off the base to do a taste test prior to it completing to see if meets to your liking and if not, it can be placed back onto the Beväge™ Pro base.

Carbonated drinks such as champagne, soda, kombucha, or beer require slowing the rotational spin speed so that carbonation levels remain close to their original levels. Slowing the Spinning Speed: To enable this slower speed: Enter the preferred/desired time and once the rotation has started, press, and hold the (-) minus button for 1 to 2 seconds. A minus symbol will appear in the top right of the backlit LCD screen. To return to the standard rotational speed; once the preferred time is entered and the rotation has started, press and hold the (+) plus button for 1 to 2 seconds and the minus symbol (-) will disappear from the top right of the backlit LCD screen.

What’s the maximum temperature (not a flammable flame) of heat that can be used with coffee or tea and the Bevage decanter. The decanter is temperature safe beyond a hot coffee or tea and functions up to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. The Beväge spinner is also temperature safe up to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.

Decanting is not a substitute for aging. Beväge’s™ revolutionary patented technology for Aging delivering almost 80% of the products functionality is identified as Wavelength Aging Technology or WAT™.

The products aging technology balances the beverage and delivers a far superior tasting experience along with a greater complexity in the drinks tasting structure. The reason for this, is that there are numerous intricate chemical reactions which typically unfold over time thus contributing to substantial alterations and, or transformations that cannot be achieved by, or through simple momentary decanting processes.

The Beväge™ Decanting Technology is known as Optimal Speed Rotation (OSR™) representing the outstanding 20% of its functional benefit, but is not a substitute for aging. This proprietary evolutionary vortexing technology significantly enhances and optimizes thus making a younger spirit or wine taste "softer" and more pleasant to drink.

Unlike food, descriptors for a beverages texture number are all are based on a drink’s structural elements. Texture is also more subjective and subject to an individual’s tolerance of or preference for these structural elements. For example, one person may be averse to anything with high acidity in food and drink while another craves it. The same goes for tannin (wine) and residual sugar.

The point being we may all have the same brain and nervous system but we each come with a unique set of sensory programming. With that, here’s a list of commonly used texture terms for wine plus a few additions to the menu that attempt to describe a drinks character—which is based on texture due to structural elements.

Vocabulary for Texture in Beverages:
bright / chewy / creamy / crisp / dense / elegant / fat / firm / fizzy / full / grainy / gritty / heavy / jammy / juicy / lean / oily / opulent / rich / sharp / silky / smooth / soft / steely / structured / thin / tight / velvety

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